Hi guys, I am writing to folks who like me have a job that keeps them really busy and the effect of this on our walk with God. Many of us could have had closer walk with God at some points in our lives and now it's as if, God's watching you from a far distance. You, doing yours, God, doing His and getting close once a week or anytime you remember. Suddenly, we don't attend mid week services, miss some Sunday services, open the Bible once in a while and hardly pray. Basically, quenching the spirit's fire because you've now got a job that pays you. Well, so this is to help us all. We're all godly folks, who want to please God, but it feels tougher than we thought. I'll share a story and help with some useful tips. Personally, I enjoy studying my bible alongside meditating often. My bible is well marked from previous studies and of course, I balance that with prayers. That wonderful personal fellowship where you're just there enjoying the communication with...