
Showing posts from October, 2020


Hi guys, I am writing to folks who like me have a job that keeps them really busy and the effect of this on our walk with God. Many of us could have had closer walk with God at some points in our lives and now it's as if, God's watching you from a far distance. You, doing yours, God, doing His and getting close once a week or anytime you remember. Suddenly, we don't attend mid week services, miss some Sunday services, open the Bible once in a while and hardly pray. Basically, quenching the spirit's fire because you've now got a job that pays you. Well, so this is to help us all. We're all godly folks, who want to please God, but it feels tougher than we thought. I'll share a story and help with some useful tips. Personally, I enjoy studying my bible alongside meditating often. My bible is well marked from previous studies and of course, I balance that with prayers. That wonderful personal fellowship where you're just there enjoying the communication with...


  The thoughts and habits fought by many Christians even after being born-again, which in our godly sense we term ‘carnal doings’ are very real. Few Christians grow and leave their old habits to begin such deep journey with Christ and therefore may not quickly understand the struggles others go through to get past their old life and truly live their lives for the One they now pledge it for, Jesus Christ. Some have read, prayed, studied and in so many years wonder if living a truly Christian life is possible. This becomes even mind disturbing when sermons expressing and describing God's holiness are taught. At this point, frustrated Christians numb their minds to feel less guilty about the collusion of the word with their lives. While some listen with a willing heart only to act like they used to. Anger, envy or whatever ladens a Christian can be overcome if the following are adhered to:   Meditation:  The strongest form of changing the heart is done throu...


  As I meditated over the scriptures recently, the Holy Spirit began to show me a new way of thinking I had always read but never gotten hold of in the word. Like many Christians, you probably are also waging a war against unclean thoughts that once controlled you. Which sometimes you win, and at other times, lose. Although, the truth is that as Christians we ought to always win the battles in our minds, because most times when we don’t win, we experience guilt. These thoughts also lead sometimes lead us to actions we vowed never to repeat. The bible in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says  “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”.  This tells us that the most significant battle a Chris...