Hi guys,

I am writing to folks who like me have a job that keeps them really busy and the effect of this on our walk with God. Many of us could have had closer walk with God at some points in our lives and now it's as if, God's watching you from a far distance. You, doing yours, God, doing His and getting close once a week or anytime you remember. Suddenly, we don't attend mid week services, miss some Sunday services, open the Bible once in a while and hardly pray. Basically, quenching the spirit's fire because you've now got a job that pays you. Well, so this is to help us all. We're all godly folks, who want to please God, but it feels tougher than we thought. I'll share a story and help with some useful tips.

Personally, I enjoy studying my bible alongside meditating often. My bible is well marked from previous studies and of course, I balance that with prayers. That wonderful personal fellowship where you're just there enjoying the communication with God. That rub-off. Oh, well, let's just say it's easier when there's no deadline on an engagement, your seniors ain't chasing you and you've not just got a lot of other stuff to work on where time is of unequalled essence. This past week, I must confess has made me realise how much I've got to stay on course if I'll finish the race like the Bible said, given that it's rather easier to derail than to stay on course just as it easier to destroy than to build, to fail than to succeed, to be lazy than to work hard. Why did I realise this? It's been a busy week. Quite a lot of calls from work, communicating with friends who need your help and advice, writing and working etc. Even if I'm so used to studying daily, I found out that I'd rather study my bible than pray. To some, well, you're still keeping up, but to spiritually discerning folks, a prayer life is very important. You've got to communicate with God daily. So after a long week, I woke up with an urge to really pray as I ought to and oh, I just knew I missed praying when I started. I now understand that a prayer life actually keeps a Christian going. While other stuff may help other people. A constant communication with God keeps a Christian alive in the spirit, glowing, growing and never having to be frustrated no matter what is happening around. 

Let's look at the following to help balance our walk with God with our pressing daily activities:
1. It's very important to begin to build a spiritual life if the one you have is not helping you grow. Don't rush to praying 2 hours at a stretch so soon. Start with a shorter time and keep growing. Fix a specific time. It helps to manage your time and consciousness. Try to also fix it when you're less busy and not sleepy.
2. Consistency is more essential than duration. Consistency is necessary to build a habit. It has made a lot of people addicted to things. We can be addicted to talking to God daily too. I'd advise a consistent time daily than a long time irregularly.
 3. Learn to study the bible and even more, learn to meditate on what you've studied. Meditation can so change the heart. Your heart thinks the way it does because of what you dwell on. That's the power of meditating on a thought. You get to give that thought power to dominate your mindset and further determine your actions. Just imagine having to meditate on the word. You can agree your life will begin to align with what you study.
4. Determine to walk with God and by the Holyspirit daily. Decide to associate with Christians who are working the way you do. You understand one another and can help one another.

 5. Ask God to help you. If you're single like me, it's important to get closer to God. There's a lot ahead you need God for. Your life, family, future, nation, everything.

And if you're in a relationship or you're married, then even more, your children, spouse, life, everything. 
Folks, you need God. Don't abandon God. It won't pay off. Even if you live great, it's sincerely useless without God. Everyone needs God. Let's draw closer to Him. Start today if you've not been faithful. 
Much love guys!


  1. Coming across your blogs for the first time today,I must say they are so enriching. God bless you.


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