As I meditated over the scriptures recently, the Holy Spirit began to show me a new way of thinking I had always read but never gotten hold of in the word.
Like many Christians, you probably are also waging a war against unclean thoughts that once controlled you. Which sometimes you win, and at other times, lose. Although, the truth is that as Christians we ought to always win the battles in our minds, because most times when we don’t win, we experience guilt. These thoughts also lead sometimes lead us to actions we vowed never to repeat.
The bible in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”. This tells us that the most significant battle a Christian will win is not against poverty or such other issues, but the thoughts that once dominated his or her heart. Therefore, A Christian must form a new mindset which aligns with the word of God.
Many Christians confess words of overcoming evil in their minds, although while some gain victory, many keep struggling with various unhealthy thoughts for a long time, even decades. As important as your confession is, it is important to note that the soul must be renewed through your deliberate efforts to engage the scriptures as seen in Romans 12:2: “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God”.
I admonish you to read “Overcoming Habits”, which is one of the articles posted. There you can learn about the importance of meditation. In thinking right, I go through these steps I learnt in the bible, which will help you readily classify a thought before you ponder on them. Philippians 4:8 says “Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”. As seen in the verse, any incoming thought should be accredited by each of this criterion before being pondered upon.
1. Is what I am about to think true?
2. Is it honest?
This prevents me from entering into dishonest ventures or thinking of doing dishonest things. I do not wish to deliberate on dishonest information, because a dishonest gain can lead one to misfortune. This step will help people who are prone to greed, making dishonest gains or keen on making “quick wealth”
3. Is it just?
To be just means to live righteously. If what I am about to think is morally degrading, I stop. This will help people who are addicted to lustful habits. Bad thoughts lead to bad actions. The bible says the Just shall live by faith. It means that the righteous people are the ones who live assured of the future. If your thought is morally deficient, you should not go ahead.
4. Is it pure?
This aligns with the character of God, purity. Something may be morally right, but impure. The most disguising thought hardly goes past this. If that thought is not in the person of Christ, you should never think about it.
5. Is it of good report?
A lot of Christians who readily condemn others will find help themselves if they pass their thoughts through this step. If you have observed a character in someone which is not a good report, it is better not to ponder on it. Thinking about this will make you act ill or make you see more evil than good in someone else. A reason why a lot of people talk ill about someone else who made a mistake, even when he/she has always done well is that they have deliberated on his/her wrong rather than the right things he/she did.
6. Does it possess virtue?
Virtue is a state of moral excellence. Nobody who truly filters their thoughts with this will should think negative. Virtue is the opposite of vice.
7. Is it worthy of praise?
If other godly people could hear your thoughts, would they praise those thoughts? Would they advise you against them? If those thoughts will not be praised by Christians, you should not ponder them in your heart.
How do you immediately stop ungodly thoughts you already are evil? By sharply rebuking them and then by pondering on the word of God to prevent pondering those unclean thoughts.
When your thoughts are usually negative and rebuking does little for you, then you should learn to use the above, as it gives you a biblical reason why you should not deliberate on just anything that comes to your mind.
Why is thinking according to the scriptures important?
- It increases your self-discipline and makes you consistent
- It helps to fights unclean thoughts that lead to bad habits.
- It keeps your conscience pure, clean and free.
Note: The writer used KJV in all quotations mentioned in the above read.
I believe you have learnt something. Kindly drop your comments in the comment box below.
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